
June 29, 2016

12 Reason Why your facebook accounts are hacked or blocked

12 Reason Why your facebook accounts are hacked or blocked ,Facebook ,facebook Trick, Facebook Hacking

Hi everyone ......! Today i will tell Why Facebook accounts are Hack or blocked . In the last Artical I told you How to hack facebook account using phishing method 2016 . In this Artical i will told you why facebook account are blocked. 

12 Reason Why Your Facebook Account Blocked 

  1. You didn’t use your real name.Facebook will find you and spit you out. 
  2. You joined too many groups. (The maximum limit is 200 groups per user.)
  3. You posted too many messageson a wall or in a group. E.g. Guy Kawasaki had his account disabled–in his case for “excessive evangelism.”
  4. You posted in too many groups,too many user’s walls. (That’s what spammers do, silly.)
  5. You add too many people. (Not so long ago this was a prime cause of disabled accounts, but Facebook has instituted a maximum of 5000 friends that should protect you from yourself.)
  6. Your school/ organization affiliation is doubtful.
  7. You’re poking too many people (Beware the odd FB app that pokes on your behalf.)
  8. You advertised your app on wallposts.
  9. You used duplicate text in multiple messages.
  10. You are under 18 years old and not part of a High School group.
  11. You wrote offensive content.
  12. You scraped information off Facebook.> e.g :-Facebook bots disabled Robert Scoble’s account.

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June 27, 2016

How To Get +10,000 Subscribers On YouTube Channel

Learn How To Get +10,000 Subscribers On YouTube Channel

How To Get +10,000 Subscribers On YouTube Channel

From the beginning, Video promotion is been the maximum used technique to market a particular procut; and after YouTube, Facebook and Twitter are used by all the marketers, so as to focus on video advertisers, the best stage for facilitating recordings, YouTube is presently the main stage for Video-blogging and advertising, and being a free and stage by Google, it is cherished by everyone. In the event that you happened to be one of the individuals who has a YouTube channel, I’m certain that you should be thinking about how you can get more YouTube endorsers of your channel and build the compass of your YouTube recordings.

YouTube is an extraordinary stage for bloggers to expand their web traffics by making your peruses feel associated with you. Influence this online networking Goliath to get yourself unforeseeable advantages sooner rather than later. The likelihood for a blogger to drive immense activity to his site from YouTube is high and that calls for more endorsers on YouTube.

What’s those smart Way to Get Free Subscribers on Youtube


You might have surprised to know which kinds of tool you can use for youtube. So, the answer is you can use the tool manually. Just download Tubebuddy and track other’s videos’s information, as tags, worth etc.

  • Produce useful contents more than your competitors:

Make content that is drawing in, enlightening and enlivening. Losing the guide into the center of the video will probably see you losing a potential supporter and a long haul crowd. On the off chance that the script is very much organized, the odds are less that you lose an endorser. Transfer recordings that are either exciting or enlightening, or if conceivable, coordinate them together for one hell of an extraordinary video that will without a doubt make the viewer hit the subscribe catch.

In the event that you are trepidation the anger of the camera and do the talking, take a stab at distributed ‘Screen-throws’. Yet, whatever you do, just before you hit the distribute catch, ensure the recordings are exceptionally captivating and will be of quality to your group of onlookers.

  • Upload and Update your videos regularly:

Presently, this is less demanding said than done, yet you can’t overlook what’s being said here. The principle reason somebody hits the subscribe catch is on the grounds that they respect the works of the distributor and adoration to hear all the more regularly from them. YouTube supporters more often than not don’t care for channels that are not general. Consistency is the key here to add to a dependable association with your current supporters and growing new ones.

Discharge your recordings in an auspicious, repeating and organized design. Attempt to distribute a video in a week or if nothing else on more than one occasion in a month. Adhere to your calendar and don’t transfer recordings as and when you have a craving for doing it, it will hurt your notoriety. Whatever you do, ensure that your calendar is noticeable and transfer recordings as needs be.

  • Create Youtube Custom Cover:

In order to inspire your visitors more, this is important to get identified by them properly. In this case your background cover can easily attract your visitors and force them to click on the subscribe button of your channel and finally by apply this trick you can get subscribers day my day.

You can check your senior’s youtube channel as they have their custom and professional custom cover and this is why they generate tons of free subscriber per day.

  • Setup Custom Feature Image:

Presently, this is something numerous YouTube subscriber technique that is used by many of bloggers. Making custom video thumbnails for every video, rather than letting it with an arbitrarily created one bodes well can make your video professional. Utilizing comments and important pictures as custom thumbnails for your YouTube recordings will expand your recordings “active visitor clicking percentage. A custom video thumbnail with a minor comment will give the guests a slight indication about concerning what the video is about.

  • Shocking Channel’s trailer :

Your channel trailer is something you should painstakingly work upon and continually enhance to get the guests coming in. YouTube offers an incredible component called channel trailers that let you consequently play them upon the opening of your channel URL. This is the minute to get the groups of onlookers’ consideration, and inside of close to 90 seconds. The ideal channel trailer is someplace between 30 seconds to 60 seconds. Here you should give motivation to your potential endorsers with respect to why they must visit your channel and would it be that you bring to the table to end up a rehashed guest. In the event that you are great before the camera, let the camera rolling and give a short presentation yourself with a very much organized script.

In your YouTube channel reports, check for the viewer maintenance reports to check whether you are executing off potential supporters with an exhausting or excessively protracted channel trailer and change it as needs be.

  • Be consistent in Social Profiles:

Online networking is all based upon this elusive string of interfacing and associating with kindred individuals. It is about who you administer to and who thinks about you. Amid times when online networking is turning into a critical angle from each little entrepreneur to Fortune 505 organizations for effectively dealing with their dedicated fan base and clients.

Communicate with your gathering of people and listen to their solicitations in the remarks segment of your recordings. Beyond any doubt you might confront certain kickback and disdain in your remarks segment yet get over it with step and listen to your dependable fan base. Answer to the remarks under your recordings and make your viewers feel associated constantly.

  • Do proper Tagging:

Make utilization of Google Keywords instrument for getting more thoughts on important catchphrases for your YouTube recordings. Include the greater part of the applicable catchphrases to your recordings to be discoverable in both Google and YouTube’s web indexes. Exaggerating the watchwords won’t help as much as a couple however all around focused catchphrases. Get your work done and examine more about YouTube video meta labels to show signs of improvement comprehension of what works.

Think about all the conceivable watchwords that are important to the transferred recordings and include them into it. A low video tally may not generally be just about poor substance; it likewise demonstrates a poor discoverable nature of your recordings. Metadata assumes a noteworthy part in getting your recordings showed in indexed lists and let the crowd choose for themselves if a visit is justified regardless of their time. You can likewise scan for well changing over recordings and see what meta labels they are utilizing for getting a thought. Don’t simply duplicate and glue meta labels, as that won’t help your cause.

  • Write Huge Meta Description:

Going to the SEO part of your YouTube recordings, the video depiction is something that presents a considerable measure of potential to get your recordings discover-able on web crawlers furthermore giving your viewers a short portrayal of what lies ahead in the video. A brief top to bottom portrayal looks bad as just the initial few lines of your depiction shows up when a video is at first stacked.

Utilize your watchwords astutely and don’t try too hard only for the purpose of SEO enhancing, keep it characteristic and true. You can likewise connect individuals to a ‘crush page’ on your site for those of them searching for something more.

  • Promote Youtube’s Channel on Blog:

This totally bodes well and there’s no purpose behind you not utilizing it. YouTube gives a choice to connection to your official website page and ensure you interface yours in the event that you got one. The endeavors you put into getting guests for YouTube channel could be channelized into your site or blog for giving an outlet to your most devoted and inquisitive adherents. Additionally your channel likewise gets checked as a bona fide representation of your image on YouTube.

Under the channel settings of your YouTube page, include your site’s or online journals’ URL to connect your channel and its related page. You might likewise consider including your online journal/site URL in the channel portrayal itself. So also, include “Subscribe” catches your site, at the sidebar to drive more endorsers of your YouTube channels.

  • Make use of Annotations:

Comments are those irritating popups in video which are really a surprisingly positive turn of events for the YouTube makers. In the event that utilized as a part of a legitimate way, you can get more endorsers by making your guests to snap them in-video. Numerous You Tubers have reported of expanded channel memberships with comments added to their each video. A straightforward connection made for channel membership can be set as a suggestion to take action in your video for more memberships.
A graphical catch utilized as an invitation to take action inside of your video could be livened up with a going with explanation content requesting that the guests snap to subscribe. On the off chance that done in a subtle way, you will see your channel memberships gain great ground.

  • Ask for Subscribers:

This is extremely essential. Toward the end of each video request that viewers “like” and subscribe to your channel. You ought to likewise let them know why they ought to subscribe, for instance in the event that you are a DIY Home Change channel I would say, “subscribe for my DIY ventures, traps and insider tips conveyed to you week by week.” Recall, be watchful what you request, since you may get it.

Reply on your’s visitor’s questions:

Answering to great remarks and giving yell outs to supporters in your clasps will truly fortify the group of your channel.

Try to direct your channel too, uprooting any awful messages that might agitate different endorsers. This will keep your channel amicable and prevalent.

  • Subscribe Relevant Channels:

Discover channels that share your hobbies, and subscribe to them. Leave insightful and elegantly composed remarks, and you will soon discover supporters from that channel going to your channel also. YouTube is a group, and cooperating with it will offer you some assistance with growing substantially more than essentially transferring your recordings.

Transfer video reactions to different recordings when they fit, yet abstain from spamming different channels with your recordings. You are prone to be overlooked and blocked, which will hurt your odds of picking up endorsers. Approach different channels with deference, and you will begin to see yours develop.

  • Advertise your Channel:

Toward the day’s end, the best showcasing results go to the individuals who emerge from whatever is left of the group. Anyway, with regards to YouTube, would could it be that makes your recordings or your channel interesting? What quality would you say you are giving to the group your video content? In the event that you can answer these inquiries, then advancing your channel ought to wind up less demanding for you. Be that as it may, how would you advance yourself and your recordings? We demonstrate to you 47 distinct courses right here. Gracious, and to see where your own YouTube channel positions today, look at your Tubular Maker Profile here.

  • Comments on Videos:

Leaving profitable remarks under YouTube contents is a decent approach to let the maker and viewers think about your YouTube channel. Each time you abandon some extraordinary criticism or a decent point, the individuals who concur with you will like your remark and offer you a go-ahead. This will make your remark seem higher and can incite new viewers to visit your channel to which they will locate your marvelous video content.
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June 26, 2016

Top 30 Free SEO Tools To Getting Ideas And Find Errors - SEO Tips

Top 30 Free SEO Tools Tor Getting Ideas And Find Errors

Top 30 Free SEO Tools Tor Getting Ideas And Find Errors - SEO Tips

SEO can be a difficult task to do for the owner of a website, or perhaps one of the easiest jobs for a webmaster to do. However, the task is difficult because you have to manage many things at one time and work around your web site. But when the work easier and implementation of the right things when doing SEO for your decisions site / blog known. I've been publishing articles on this blog SEO and went to guide you on the different points of view of SEO, but in today's article I will give something really worth reading for you. This is a list of the 30 best free tools that you can use to get new ideas, make mistakes in their sites (sites or customers) to obtain the functions of popular words and locations of these tools so much more to say. So what we were expecting, just go down and check all the tools below.
Best SEO tools to see what is happening around

The list of tools all the tools that are related to search engine optimization of goods, these tools have a separate item in each SEO tool. So you can know all I want you to know, whether on your web site or your client. Now let's take a look at all the tools below.
Note: Each tool can be accessed immediately by clicking on the link contained in the name of the tool.

  • Tool#1
SEOquake (Category sites) :

SEOquake is a free plugin that provides you with key SEO metrics, along with other useful tools such as SEO Audit and many others

SEOquake is one of the most popular used tools to determine the order of a website / blog is Google Page Rank, Alexa, pages indexed in Google and Bing both and more, you must install this tool to your browser and then you'll see a toolbar next to each site you visit 

SEOquake (Category sites)

  • Tool#2
SEMrush (for sites ranking) :

This is only a tool, but a set of tools, including high-end tools, but the site contains a lot of things about SEO and be a tool to verify the order of the sites. Each and everything can check a website, page rank, background, and the position of the keys and more words.

SEMrush (for sites ranking) - SEO TIPS
  • Tool#3
References Site (SEO for errors sites):

Although all the sites contain errors, no one can say that your website is free of errors, so that this tool errors report in your site such as broken links, and meta tags are missing, headers, missing and more , so that you can improve the site SEO later.

  • Tool#4
OpenSiteExplorer (see links + analyzed) :

This tool is used to determine the background and place of entry, and free tool to use and easy to handle.
  • Tool#5
Connect toxins (for the detection of bad links) :

This tool is really something worth trying, it reveals a bad inbound links to your web site so you can know who and how they are linking to you, using this tool, you can find the "bad" or links "spam" to your site from other sources , and then you can easily remove these links using Webmaster Tools Google's denial.

  • Tool#6
Connect the definition (links and ratings) :

This tool is used to verify the order of a website, as well as a number of background has a site. So you should give it a try it for free.
  • Tool#7
CopyScape (to verify the copied) content

Duplicate content is one of the worst enemies of your blog, and if you need to find imitators re-publish your content or not, this tool is the best option for you. Just use the search of his work recorded by someone else on the Internet.

CopyScape (to verify the copied) content
  • Tool#8
 SEO Spider (to check for duplication) :

A great tool to check for duplicate of your / blog site content, this tool allows you the ability to detect if the contents copied by others in the Internet. Site Link : click here

SEO Spider
  • Tool#9
Google Adwords Keyword Tool (to find the best keywords) :

This is one of the great Google tools, and a tool that offers the possibility to find the most search keywords in the world, is the most accurate tool to find the best keywords for your job titles or URL. This tool is completely free, and used almost every person.

Google Adwords Keyword Tool (to find the best keywords) :
  • Tool#10
Google Trends (to find a public place) :

Google Trends is a tool used to find your target audience, for example, you may choose the subject of your / site, blog so that you can see in any country or region to deliver the requested maximum this tool gives you an idea to improve your site for a specific country or region. It is free to use and easy to handle.

  • Tool#11
Samurai market :

What a tool! This gives you a set of ideas to choose lucrative / niche theme and shows competing for this niche also. You can see even more potential in the subject.
  • Tool#12
SimilarSites (To search for keywords and classification of similar sites) :Find similar sites in your niche, this tool is an excellent tool to learn from your competitors. The media, showing similar sites that are related to your site, so you can get to know the sites in order of keywords and their competitors.
  • Tool#13
Xenu Link Sleuth (to find broken links and other errors) :

Excellent tool for this, can help you find errors in your site and broken links that can then repair or remove any.
  • Tool#14
Google Webmaster Tools (for everything and everything in one location) :

Google Webmaster Tools is one of the tools that it needs all the website of the official use, this tool displays everything about your site traffic, lyrics, location maps and more. What you need to use this tool. Simply log in with Google Webmaster Tools account and add your site and check your web site, and this is done, you can see all the information on your web site.
  • Tool#15
Google Analytics program (for traffic on the network) :

A great tool for Google, and uses this tool actually get statistical information of traffic to your web site, you can find out the geographical location of your website, and spend time on your web site, and a number of views per visit, operating systems use pages and more. You must use if you want to maintain control over the traffic.
  • Tool#16
PageSpeed ​​tool Google (time or speed page load) :

A wonderful tool of Google, this tool scans the shipping time or the speed of the site you can learn how to load your site in browsers, this tool allows you to Digital points out of 100 for each site, so if you are more than 90 points 100, then it is super good, but less than 90 means that you have to avoid reducing the loading time.

  • Tool#17
SEOmoz (for each and everything about SEO) : is the most popular site to learn SEO by reading articles and watching video tutorials. This site also provides a number of free SEO tools.
  • Tool#18
SproutSocial (promotion and social media) :

This is a social networking tool that checks your activity on social media and clarity of vision. So you can views of campaigns, signals and social media.
  • Tool#19
Raven tools (to manage SEO tasks, duties and social media and marketing) :

All the Task Manager can use this unique tool, which include SEO tasks, social media and marketing tasks functions, including on the Internet, this tool has a copy of the payment as well.

  • Tool#20
SEO by Yoast (SEO plugin for WordPress, SEO does all the tasks) :
SEO by Yoast plugin is popular word that is used by almost all users WP these days, so if you have a blog hosted on the Word, then you must install and configure it for all in a SEO WP must.
  • Tool#21
All in one package SEO (SEO Plugin for WordPress, SEO makes all tasks) :
This is another great SEO plugin for WordPress blog, and is updated this newly plugin and improved, so it can be compared with the company's senior SEO by Yoast. Prior to that it was very simple, but it now has all the features that other additions do not have, I think. Must be used in Word, in my opinion, it is by far the best Yoast plugin.
  • Tool#22
Bing Webmaster Tools (all the data on your web site in the search engine Bing) :

It's all about your web site management, you can know the arrangement and positions of keywords in Bing and Yahoo. The companies joined Yahoo and Bing now. You can simply use Bing to submit your site to Bing Bing and Yahoo servers continue to crawl and index your site.
  • Tool#23
Page Rank Checker (to check the page rank of the website) :

It is a tool commonly used to control Google pagerank site on the internet, and easy-to-use tools and without error page refers to the exact extent of all sites.
  • Tool#24
Alexa (to check for traffic rank of site) : is a popular site in the world to determine the order of traffic everywhere. Alexa gives a numerical range for each site on the Internet, you can find out the global and regional ranking of your site on Alexa, you can also know the number of the background of your site has.

  • Tool#25
Connect Fame Tool (to check link popularity) :

This tool gives an idea of ​​how your prayers are very popular on the Internet, and that means if you have hundreds of background to the main page of your web site or a particular page, it may be that the page very popular links are, which can be found on the air Through this tool.
  • Tool#26
Moonsy  Tool (all-in-one, the power field, Page Authority, and link authority, More) :

I love this tool, and not just a tool, but the entire site. This place really gives you a lot of free tools, you can check your page rank, your background, the reference area, Page Authority, the link authority and more on your website / blog site.
  • Tool#27
IBP SEO tool (SEO to get all statistical reports) :
This is a great great SEO software or using statistical reports something, this tool is not free, but with that you can get a trial for a few days, but if you search the Internet, then you can find the full version for free as well. However, this tool is worth buying because it has everything in one place for SEO.
  • Tool#28
iWebTool (to check the background of the site) :

This tool can be used to verify the background of the site, the site also offers other SEO tools that can be used free of charge.
  • Tool#29
Density Analyst Word (to verify the extent of the keywords in the article) :
This is one of the most important tools that should be used to know very well is the use of keywords in balance or do keyword stuffing, so you should use to check and balance between the keywords in an article in the series.

  • Tool#30
Web page (to control the time of page load speed or on the Internet) :

This is the tool used to check the shipping time or the speed of a website / blog, it is recommended this tool by Google itself. This should give you the opportunity to know the speed of your site.

This is not a list you just read and go, and this is the list that you should keep reminding and use many of these tools depending on your project, so that gives you all the information about the work you have done or will do. What you want here? And how he was here? Also tell us a list of SEO tools. And take good care of yourself and your family. Good SEO
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How To Learn English in Urdu Free

How To Learn English in Urdu Free

Hello ! everyone...My Name is Mehwish Hayat .Today I suggesting you some basic techniques How To Learn English in Urdu. English has become a global language and the person who can speak, write and read the English is known more respective, particularly in the countries which are developing and much crazy to learn English. Pakistan is also one of those countries whish’s people look much excited to learn English. Unfortunately many of students in Pakistan cannot get adequate atmosphere to learn English.

They are not taught the English grammatically, they are not told the basics of English, and eventually these students feel the English highly tough language. Conversely English is highly soft and easily understandable language. You just need a slightly adequate learning environment to learn it.

First of all make your mind you must learn it with full of passion, and then go through following 10 steps process.

  1. There are many Urdu literature's available on net or in market that will guide you some basics which can lead you easily to learn English.
  2. Increase your vocabulary by remembering daily using words. For this you should remind 10 time a day these words so that the words may become fluent for your tongue, such as bread, fruits, vegetables, flowers, professional, musical, songs, birds, animals, cats, dogs, hello baby and so many other word which are being used in your routine life, try to learn these.
  3. Consult the grammar book that is written in Urdu translating into English.
  4. Read the basic tenses forms, what is subject, what is verb, object and adjective etc. read out all these prepositions in Urdu and then try it in English language.
  5. Try to use English words and sentences in your routine life. Initially you will it strange and difficult but for the time of being, you will feel relax and enjoying.
  6. Try to perform functional English in your routine life, for example you are giving general good wishes, you will say, “All the best” “have a nice day” etc.
  7. You should learn all the sentences that are spoken in daily life, example watching the time, eating the meal, inviting the children to study etc.
  8. Try to being go through in a conversation speaking in English with your friend, cousins or your children. It will build up your confidence and will lead you pronunciation corrections.
  9. Make dialogs with your friends to create perfection your learning.
  10. Try to translate a paragraph daily written in Urdu to English on the read it, write it and speak it formula.

Summarizing the discussion, we can suggest you to practice the above suggestions knowing as the, practice makes a man perfect. Many of students know the English importance but they think it hard to learn. They are totally wrong. They think about how to speak English easily, they also join academies to learn how to speak English fluently. If the student’s financial position allows them to go academies they can, however, take an Urdu to English grammar and pick a single lesion every day, you will go 30 lesions a month and 180 lesions in 6 months and so on. I think it is highly progressive track to learn English in Urdu.
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June 25, 2016

How to get free internet using NMD VPN software on PC

Use Free Internet In PC and Laptop

Hi ! Everyone ....! My name is Sayyad Miskeen. Today i wanna show you " How to get free internet using NMD VPN software on PC " ,many times we heard about How to get free internet or get free internet for PC. It seems a little strange to here, but it’s true. Many of us think that we will get any tips and tricks to get free internet on mobile or PC. So, here I will teach you how to get free internet using NMD VPN software on PC. There are many tricks or software’s which can give you many things also get free internet for PC. But without a proper guide no one can get benefits for these. So follow these below given steps to get free internet using NMD VPN software.

Friends, before starting our tutorial first we need to know what are NMD VPN and some other facts about free internet tricks.

  • What is NMD VPN
    NMD VPN is open source software which using for make secure Virtual Private Network that mostly used to access free internet on PC. Its first time developed by USA army for secure communication. This time it’s using worldwide secure communication and many users using VPN for different proposes like if you want to free internet tricks of any operator then it will help you.
  • Can anyone get free Internet Using NMD VPN software?
    Most of internet users wish to get free internet and find over internet that free GPRS or internet tricks  for Airtel, Vodafone, Tata Indicom, Airce, Idea, relince and many other telecom operator companies. Most of free internet tricks complete using with this software. If you follow right steps to get free internet or right method of use this software you can also get free internet using NMD VPN software on PC.

    So, friends let’s start our tutorial how to get free internet using NMD VPN software on PC
  • How to download and Install NMD VPN software for Free Internet
    First Off All Download This Software From Bellow Link :>>>

    Downloading of NMD VPN software is very easy (just like any file and folder) but right installation must be need for use NMD VPN software for free internet. So after downloading from given links now follow step by step carefully for right installation or registration.

    Installation process is different for different windows (OS)

    Windows XP User – directly install (double click)
    Windows 7 & 8 users – Install as Administrator (Right click on the software and ‘Run it as Administrator)
    Windows 7 & 8 users (64 bit) – C:\program File (x86)\NMDVPN\config
    Windows XP, 7 & 8 users (64 bit) – C:\program File\ NMDVPN\config
  • Steps to install NMD VPN software
  • Step#1 
After download Right click on the downloaded NMD VPN software and click on ‘Run it as Administrator’ (Here I am sharing installation steps for windows 7,8)
  • Step#2
After clicking NMD VPN installation wizard will open Click on Next button
  • Step#3
After clicking NMD VPN license agreement window will open ‘click on Agree’ then click on install
  • Step#4
After install NMD VPN software click on finish
After complete installation you will see two configuration folders on the C drive

Tutorial : 
How to Use and Configure NMD VPN Video

How to Use VPN for Free Internet on computer

NMD VPN software worked with all network company (Idea, Airtel, Aircel, Vodafone, Tata Indicom etc).
  • Step#1 

    first connect your data card or Modem with the receptive setting i.e. APN of the specific network with lowest balance.
  • Step#2 
    Now simply run your NMD VPN software on your computer (always run as administrator for avoid error of connection)
  • Step 3 
    Right click on NMD VPN > select VPN server > connect it by left click
  • Step#4 
    Now just config your file to the NMD VPN config folder (you will see folder description)
  • Step#5 
    It means Go to the folder and replace NMD VPN config folder with your data card config files
  • Step#6 
    After right configuration connect and waits a few second it will connect
    If it is not connected as first attempt then do try for 2-3 times. Some configure takes time to connect.That’s it, now you can use free internet using this

  • NMD VPN notification

  1. Green notification – VPN is connected
  2. Yellow notification – in the process of connection
  3. Red notification – VPN is Disconnect
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when You Feel Free Then Comment bellow ................!
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Use Telenor Free Internet Trick 2019

How to Use Telenor Free Internet Trick 2019

Use Telenor Free Internet Trick 2016

  • Telenor Free 2G/3G Internet Trickj
Hi ! Everyone ....! My name is Sayyad Miskeen. Today i wanna show you " How to Use Telenor 2G/3G Free Internet " .Use Telenor Unlimited 3G/4G Internet in Pakistan for Free.100% Woking Telenor Free Internet Proxy.This Trick work On all Android, Mac, Computers.

This Trick Work On All Mobile Phone, No Need to Download Opera Handler or Any Other Handler.You Can Use Telenor Free Internet on All Android Version like 3.1, 4.1 and Other All.So let’s move to the Trick.

How to Use Telenor Free Internet in Pakistan

  1. Download Freedom apk from the link (Download).This Application work on All android smartphones,No root needed.
  2. Open App And Click on Connection.
  3. Type 03.Your-Freedom.Com in Server, Make Sure Your Balance is 0 (Zero).
  4. Select Telenor Pakistan (Pakistan) in Tweakes.
  5. Select DNS Connection Mode.
  6. Type 443 in Port and Click on Start Connection.
  7. Wait 1-2 minutes for Connecting, if connection is not Connected,You will need to try Again.
Freedom Application is also available for IOS. You can download for IOS or any other Device from Internet.The Procedure is Same for All Devices.This Trick is 100% Working, After Using This trick You Can Use Free UC Browser ,Free Opera Browser,Free Twitter and Free Facebook, You Can Download Videos From Facebook for Free, You Can Download Apps From Google Play Store for Free and You Can Play YouTube Videos for Free.You can use Telenor free net on PC, Laptop and Mobile.

  • More Latest Trick :

  1. Mobilink Jazz Free Internet
  2. ufone Free Internet
  3. Zong Free Internet
  4. Telenor Free Internet

If you enjoyed this post and wish to be informed whenever a new post is published, then make sure youSubscribe to our regular Email Updates!

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June 22, 2016

Increase Blog or Website Traffic With Google Plus

How To  Increase Blog or Website Traffic

Social media marketing has always been an excellent way to drive traffic to our blogs.

And as you might know, Facebook and Pinterest are the best referrers of website traffic. However, what most of us ignore is Google Plus, which has recently grown hugely with over 250 million dedicated users.

Increase Blog or Website Traffic With Google Plus

Google plus overtook LinkedIn in 2014 in terms of referral traffic. It recently revamped itself to give competition to Pinterest. Google Plus has always been a favorite to marketers and influencers apart from the common people.

I have been using Google Plus all this time, and I must say marketing your blog on this platform definitely boosts traffic. In past one year, I got almost 9K traffic alone from Google Plus and now it is my second referrer of traffic after Facebook.

So, do you want to tap into this resource of targeted traffic ?
Here are the exact 8 steps by which I drive massive traffic from Google plus (and you can too).

10 Trick To Increase Your Blog or Website Traffic

  1. Create eye-catching posts that engage your audience and direct them back to your blog
  2. Increase the visibility and lifetime of your Google plus posts
  3. Increase your engagement on Google Plus
  4. Join Communities for Massive Exposure
  5. Collections can give you raving fans who crave for your content
  6. Embed comment and plus one in website
  7. Get influencers to share your content
  8. Bonus: Must use Google Plus Tools for Bloggers:

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